Time was tight for me tonight, so instead of my usual talking rubbish with Phil for an hour, I popped out for a gentle 5k.

I am really pleased that, even though I am sticking to my heart rate alarm of 146 bpm, my times are coming down- this is progress. When I started on this road I was on 11 mins 20 secs miles- no I am sub 11, and reducing each time- all within my base heart rate.


Afterwards, it was straight down to running club (North Devon Road Runners), who had a marathon seminar. This is an hour and a half of talking marathons- best practices, ideas, and thoughts. Lots of great inspirational people who live locally, mixed with lots of people who had questions and worries and concerns just like mine.

I have found it very inspiring indeed. Lots of ideas- I love the back to back long runs of 8 miles on a Saturday, 8 miles on a Sunday, I can see this doing me the world of good. I also know I need to spend some time working on my core, to stop me from leaning over towards the end.

It was lovely to talk and listen about running marathons for 90 minutes- I have come away with a clearer idea of what the next 95 days look like.